
Class 6 involved in Riverfly Project

Today saw the beginning of our 2nd year of Educational Access here at Julians Farm, with us welcoming back Class 6 of Bradworthy Academy.  What a day we have had!!

The morning session saw pupils involved in the Devon Wildlife Trusts Riverfly Project, with the help of the DWT's student Matt.  Matt has been coming to Julians for this project for the last 5 months.

The class were split into 4 groups, each group with a sampling bucket, tray, compartment tray, net and spoons.  The project involved 2 pupils entering the River Torridge (under close supervision at all times of course!) and stomping around, to create muddy water, for 3 minutes, collecting samples in the nets all the time.  The nets were then emptied into the buckets (which had water in them) and the water was then tipped into the trays for observation and analysis.  Each species collected was put into a separate compartment of the 2nd tray.  Species being found included:  Caddis Fly, Mayfly, Olives (not the food type!), a fish and shrimps - lots of shrimps!!


The pupils were amazingly well behaved and the results were taken back to DWT to be entered onto the database of results for this years sampling.  Its is a very important project as it allows the DWT to pick up on any river pollution or incident quickly, therefore responding to treatment effectively.


The afternoon session was completely different.  We went back in time with a walk up to our Scheduled Ancient Monument - our Neolithic Long Barrow dating to 2500BC.  We looked at Flint, which had been excavated several years ago.  There are pieces of spearheads, arrows and cutting tools.  The long Barrow is an ancient burial mound and the whole field in which it sits is now protected by English Heritage.  The pupils measured how long and wide the mound is and we discussed what it would have looked like originally. 


Well done Class 6 on being so great day!! Look forward to seeing you again in a fortnights time.

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#1 William Allin 2015-10-15 18:58
It was really fun going and doing a project with mat the wildlife expert and it is going to go on a real data base thank you sir jenny mrs Braun's and mat for an amazing day